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时间:2021-7-19 阅读:368 作者:美文阅读网 标签: [db:关键词]




  Today, we officially started school, I am very excited, because I can return to a summer vacation did not see class three. You can see the students who haven't seen for a long time.


  Carrying my bag on my back, I went to the class excitedly. At this time, many students have begun to preview. I also took out my books and sat down in my seat to begin the preview. Looking at the familiar faces of the students, as well as the current class four or three. I can't help but recall how many good times we had in class three or three. After a while, when all the students in the class arrived in Qi, Mr. Zhai asked them to start sweeping. After they had finished their assigned work, the students began to work hard. They were tired and no one shouted. They worked hard. In a moment, we finished.


  This semester, I will become a monitor, I must take this responsibility very responsibly. Try to be better. Let the students recognize me.


  It's a happy start to school. I must do well this semester. Be your own little master. Do your own thing and help the students to solve their problems.




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